Company information
General information about AN LÂM
Registered name
Founding date
- Dec 28, 2007
- 0000224723
Legal type
- Limited liability company with two or more members
- Active
Head office address
- Thôn Cẩm Lý, Xã An Lâm, Huyện Nam Sách, Hải Dương, Vietnam
User contributed information
Information about provided by the Companies House users
- Update
- Update
- Update
WhatsApp number
- Update
- Update
Company Activities
Registered business lines of AN LÂM
- Collection of non-hazardous waste
- Collection of hazardous waste
- Wholesale of food
- Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products
- Wholesale of metals and metal ores
- Cargo handling
- Activities auxiliary to finance n.e.c
- Other building and industrial cleaning activities
- Organization of conventions and trade shows
- Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c
- Sale of motor vehicle part and accessories
- Wholesale of computer, computer peripheral equipment and software
- Beverage serving activities
- Other business suport service activities n.e.c
- Construction of other civil engineering projects
- Vocational education
- Repair of machinery
- Repair of electrical equipment
- Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
- Wholesle of construction materials, installation supplies
- Electrical installation activities
- Installation of industrial machinery and equipment
- Plumbing, heating and air-conditioning system installation activities
- Repair of computers and peripheral equipment
- Repair of consumer electronics
- Repair of other equipment
- Machining; treatment and coating of metals
- Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
- Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment
- Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery
- Site preparation
- Construction of buildings
- Building completion and finishing
- Retail sale of hardware, paints, glass and other construction installation equipment in specialized stores
- Other construction installation activities
- Wholesale of other household products
- Wholesale of electronic and telecommunications equipment and supplies
- Wholesale of other machinery and equipment n.e.c
- Retail sale of audio and video equipment in specialized stores
- Retail sale of electrical household appliances, furniture and lighting equipment and other household articles n.e.c in specialized stores
- Retail sale of clothing, footwear and leather articles in specialized stores
- Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet
- Wholesale of agricultural raw materials (except wood, bamboo) and live animals
- Freight transport by road
- Inland freight water transport
- Restaurants and mobile food service activities
- Real estate agent, consultant activities;
- Activities of business, employers organizations
- Security systems service activities
- Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
- Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
- Activities of employment placement agencies
- Temporary employment agency activities
- Human resources provision and management of human resources functions
- Other specialized construction activities
- Printing
- Service activities related to printing
- Advertising
- Post-harvest crop activities
- Manufacture of builders' carpentry and joinery
Thank you for the information we will review and publish it soon.