Company information
General information about AUTOBAY
Registered name
Founding date
- Feb 05, 2016
- 0013489521
Legal type
- Limited liability company with two or more members
- Active
Head office address
- VP-06-29- Tòa Nhà The Everrich Infinity, Số 290 An Dương Vương, Phường 04, Quận 5, Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam
User contributed information
Information about provided by the Companies House users
- Update
- Update
- Update
WhatsApp number
- Update
- Update
Company Events
Events about AUTOBAY
Aug 22, 2017
Amendment Notification
Amendment Notification
Jun 28, 2017
Seal announcement
Seal announcement
Jun 26, 2017
Amendment announcement
Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise
Jan 18, 2017
Amendment announcement
Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise
Oct 19, 2016
Amendment announcement
Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise
Mar 25, 2016
Amendment Notification
Amendment Notification
Feb 22, 2016
Seal announcement
Seal announcement
Feb 05, 2016
New registration announcement
Announcement about establishment of new enterprise
Company Activities
Registered business lines of AUTOBAY
- Wholesale of motor vehicles
- Sale of motorcycles
- Wholesale on a fee or contract basis
- Wholesale of food
- Wholesale of beverages
- Wholesale of other household products
- Wholesale of computer, computer peripheral equipment and software
- Wholesale of electronic and telecommunications equipment and supplies
- Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products
- Wholesale of metals and metal ores
- Wholesle of construction materials, installation supplies
- Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c
- Freight transport by road
- Warehousing and storage
- Other transportation support activities
- Short-term accommodation activities
- Restaurants and mobile food service activities
- Beverage serving activities
- Wired telecommunication activities
- Wireless telecommunication activities
- Activities auxiliary to finance n.e.c
- Real estate activities with own or leased property
- Specialized design activities
- Renting and leasing of motor vehicles
- Renting and leasing of recreational and sports goods
- Renting and leasing of other personal and households goods
- Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods
- Other reservation service activities
- Organization of conventions and trade shows
- Repair of computers and peripheral equipment
- Repair of consumer electronics
- Repair of household appliances and home equipment
Thank you for the information we will review and publish it soon.