Company information
General information about DỊCH VỤ NHÀ HÀNG VÂN LONG
Registered name
Founding date
- Aug 25, 2020
- 0022781073
Legal type
- Limited liability company with one member
- Suspended
Head office address
- Km 7, Phường Quang Hanh, Thành phố Cẩm Phả, Quảng Ninh, Vietnam
User contributed information
Information about provided by the Companies House users
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- Update
- Update
WhatsApp number
- Update
- Update
Company Activities
Registered business lines of DỊCH VỤ NHÀ HÀNG VÂN LONG
- Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs
- Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehicles
- Repair of other equipment
- Installation of industrial machinery and equipment
- Demolition
- Site preparation
- Electrical installation activities
- Plumbing, heating and air-conditioning system installation activities
- Other construction installation activities
- Building completion and finishing
- Wholesale of food
- Wholesale of agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies
- Wholesale of other machinery and equipment n.e.c
- Wholesle of construction materials, installation supplies
- Retail sale of food stuff in specialized stores
- Retail sale of hardware, paints, glass and other construction installation equipment in specialized stores
- Passenger rail transport
- Freight rail transport
- Land transport of passengers by urban or suburban transport systems (except via bus)
- Other land transport of passenger
- Freight transport by road
- Sea and coastal passenger water transport
- Sea and coastal freight water transport
- Inland passenger water transport
- Inland freight water transport
- Service activities incidental to land and rail transportation
- Service activities incidental to water transportation
- Cargo handling
- Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
- Retail sale via stalls and market of food, beverages and tobacco
- Retail sale of second-hand goods in specialized stores
- Retail sale of electrical household appliances, furniture and lighting equipment and other household articles n.e.c in specialized stores
- Retail sale of carpets, rugs, cordage, rope, twine, netting and other textile products in specialized stores
- Retail sale of textiles, knitting yarn, sewing thread and other fabrics in specialized stores
- Retail sale of computer, computer peripheral equipment, software and telecommunication equipment in specialized stores
- Retail sale of food in specialized stores
- Other retail sale in non-specialized stores
- Non-specialized wholesale trade
- Wholesale of other household products
- Wholesale of rice
- Mining of hard coal
- Mining of lignite
- Quarrying of stone, sand and clay
- Extraction and agglomeration of peat
- Support activities for other mining and quarrying
- Sale of motorcycle parts and accessories
- Other business suport service activities n.e.c
- Restaurants and mobile food service activities
- Irregular event catering activities such as wedding, workshops...
- Short-term accommodation activities
- Other food serving activities
- Tour operator activities
- Combined facilities support activities
- Packaging activities
- Marine fishing
- Freshwater fishing
- Marine aquaculture
- Freshwater aquaculture
Thank you for the information we will review and publish it soon.