Company information
General information about ĐỨC NGHĨA
Registered name
Founding date
- Jun 19, 2007
- 0002347792
Legal type
- Limited liability company with two or more members
- Active
Head office address
- 255 Đường Phan Bội Châu, tổ 17, Phường Trần Hưng Đạo, Thành phố Quảng Ngãi, Quảng Ngãi, Vietnam
User contributed information
Information about provided by the Companies House users
- Update
- Update
- Update
WhatsApp number
- Update
- Update
Company Events
Events about ĐỨC NGHĨA
Mar 21, 2019
Amendment Notification
Amendment Notification
Jul 03, 2018
Amendment announcement
Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise
Company Activities
Registered business lines of ĐỨC NGHĨA
- Support activities for animal production
- Post-harvest crop activities
- Seed processing for propagation
- Silviculture and other forestry activities
- Tour operator activities
- Activities of amusement parks and theme parks
- Travel agency activities
- Short-term accommodation activities
- Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
- Site preparation
- Manufacture of clay building materials
- Wholesle of construction materials, installation supplies
- Freight transport by road
- Other land transport of passenger
- Machining; treatment and coating of metals
- Manufacture of structural metal products
- Restaurants and mobile food service activities
- Other food serving activities
- Other transportation support activities
- Wholesale of motor vehicles
- Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c
- Wholesale on a fee or contract basis
- Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products
- Growing of other non-perennial crops
- Growing of fruits
- Growing of spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops
- Growing of other perennial crops
- Raising of cattle and buffaloes
- Raising of pigs
- Raising of poultry
- Raising of other animals
- Mixed farming
- Support activities for crop production
- Real estate activities with own or leased property
Thank you for the information we will review and publish it soon.