Company information
General information about GIẢI PHÁP GMP
Registered name
Founding date
- Apr 01, 2016
- 0013727872
Legal type
- Limited liability company with one member
- Active
Head office address
- 183/38 Huỳnh Thị Hai, Phường Tân Chánh Hiệp, Quận 12, Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam
User contributed information
Information about provided by the Companies House users
- Update
- Update
- Update
WhatsApp number
- Update
- Update
Company Events
Events about GIẢI PHÁP GMP
Apr 27, 2020
Seal announcement
Seal announcement
Apr 21, 2020
Amendment announcement
Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise
Jan 02, 2020
Seal announcement
Seal announcement
Dec 30, 2019
Amendment announcement
Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise
May 28, 2019
Amendment announcement
Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise
Dec 18, 2017
Amendment announcement
Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise
Jan 14, 2017
Amendment announcement
Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise
May 04, 2016
Amendment Notification
Amendment Notification
Apr 20, 2016
Seal announcement
Seal announcement
Apr 05, 2016
New registration announcement
Announcement about establishment of new enterprise
Company Activities
Registered business lines of GIẢI PHÁP GMP
- Wholesale of agricultural raw materials (except wood, bamboo) and live animals
- Wholesale of other household products
- Retail sale of food in specialized stores
- Retail sale of food stuff in specialized stores
- Retail sale of beverages in specialized stores
- Wholesale of beverages
- Wholesale of other machinery and equipment n.e.c
- Restaurants and mobile food service activities
- Other food serving activities
- Wholesale of agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies
- Growing of spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops
- Mixed farming
- Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c
- Support activities for crop production
- Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c
- Management consultancy activities
- Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
- Specialized design activities
- Wholesle of construction materials, installation supplies
- Other specialized construction activities
- Building completion and finishing
- Demolition
- Wholesale of food
- Site preparation
- Electrical installation activities
- Plumbing, heating and air-conditioning system installation activities
- Other construction installation activities
- Installation of industrial machinery and equipment
- Technical testing and analysis
- Steam and air conditioning supply; production of ice
- Retail sale of hardware, paints, glass and other construction installation equipment in specialized stores
- Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods
- Irregular event catering activities such as wedding, workshops...
- Wholesale of rice
- Silviculture and other forestry activities
Thank you for the information we will review and publish it soon.