Company information
General information about MTV TẤN LEN
Registered name
Founding date
- Dec 25, 2020
- 0023529378
Legal type
- Limited liability company with one member
- Active
Head office address
- Ô số 60, Chợ Vàng Danh, Phường Vàng Danh, Thành phố Uông Bí, Quảng Ninh, Vietnam
User contributed information
Information about provided by the Companies House users
- Update
- Update
- Update
WhatsApp number
- Update
- Update
Company Events
Events about MTV TẤN LEN
Dec 30, 2020
Seal announcement
Seal announcement
Dec 25, 2020
New registration announcement
Announcement about establishment of new enterprise
Company Activities
Registered business lines of MTV TẤN LEN
- Wholesale of agricultural raw materials (except wood, bamboo) and live animals
- Retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetic and toilet articles in specialized stores
- Other retail sale of new goods in specialized stores
- Retail sale via stalls and market of food, beverages and tobacco
- Retail sale via stalls and market of textiles, clothing, footwear
- Wholesale of rice
- Wholesale of food
- Wholesale of beverages
- Wholesale of tobacco products
- Retail sale via stalls and market of other goods
- Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet
- other retail sale not in stores, stall and markets
- Wholesale of textiles, clothing, footwear
- Wholesale of other household products
- Non-specialized wholesale trade
- Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating
- Retail sale of food in specialized stores
- Retail sale of food stuff in specialized stores
- Retail sale of beverages in specialized stores
- Retail sale of tobacco products in specialized stores
- Retail sale of textiles, knitting yarn, sewing thread and other fabrics in specialized stores
- Retail sale of hardware, paints, glass and other construction installation equipment in specialized stores
- Retail sale of carpets, rugs, cordage, rope, twine, netting and other textile products in specialized stores
- Retail sale of clothing, footwear and leather articles in specialized stores
Thank you for the information we will review and publish it soon.