Company information
General information about N.T SÀI GÒN
Registered name
Founding date
- Dec 01, 2017
- 0016957283
Legal type
- Limited liability company with two or more members
- Active
Head office address
- Tầng 3, Tòa nhà An Phú Plaza, 117-119 Lý Chính Thắng, Phường 07, Quận 3, Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam
User contributed information
Information about provided by the Companies House users
- Update
- Update
- Update
WhatsApp number
- Update
- Update
Company Events
Events about N.T SÀI GÒN
Oct 01, 2020
Amendment announcement
Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise
Dec 06, 2017
Seal announcement
Seal announcement
Dec 01, 2017
New registration announcement
Announcement about establishment of new enterprise
Company Activities
Registered business lines of N.T SÀI GÒN
- Manufacture of grain mill products
- Manufacture of starches and starch products
- Manufacture of bakery products
- Manufacture of other food products n.e.c.
- Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other bottled waters
- Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables
- Wholesale of food
- Wholesale of beverages
- Wholesale of agricultural raw materials (except wood, bamboo) and live animals
- Wholesle of construction materials, installation supplies
- Wholesale of other machinery and equipment n.e.c
- Retail sale of food in specialized stores
- Retail sale of food stuff in specialized stores
- Retail sale of beverages in specialized stores
- Retail sale via stalls and market of food, beverages and tobacco
- Construction of buildings
- Construction of roads and railways
- Other construction installation activities
- Building completion and finishing
- Other specialized construction activities
- Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
- Real estate agent, consultant activities;
- Construction of utility projects
- Construction of other civil engineering projects
- Demolition
- Site preparation
- Electrical installation activities
- Plumbing, heating and air-conditioning system installation activities
- Advertising
- Market research and public opinion polling
- Renting and leasing of motor vehicles
- Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods
Thank you for the information we will review and publish it soon.