Company information

General information about TAM ĐỈNH

Registered name


Founding date

Sep 07, 2006



Legal type

Limited liability company with two or more members



Head office address

299 G21 Đường A2.3, ấp 2, Phường An Phú, Thành phố Thủ Đức, Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam


User contributed information

Information about provided by the Companies House users




WhatsApp number


Company Events

Events about TAM ĐỈNH

Apr 22, 2021

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Apr 13, 2021

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Mar 10, 2021

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Feb 03, 2021

Amendment Notification

Amendment Notification

Sep 30, 2020

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Jun 11, 2020

Amendment Notification

Amendment Notification

Mar 13, 2020

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Feb 13, 2020

Amendment Notification

Amendment Notification

Oct 22, 2019

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Sep 14, 2019

Seal announcement

Seal announcement

Jul 23, 2019

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Jun 27, 2019

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Feb 12, 2019

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Nov 19, 2018

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Aug 16, 2018

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

May 30, 2018

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Mar 12, 2018

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Dec 07, 2017

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Oct 16, 2017

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Jul 03, 2017

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Jan 09, 2017

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Nov 15, 2016

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Jul 20, 2016

Amendment Notification

Amendment Notification

Jun 30, 2016

Amendment Notification

Amendment Notification

Apr 27, 2016

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Apr 14, 2016

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Dec 30, 2015

Amendment announcement

Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise

Company Activities

Registered business lines of TAM ĐỈNH


2 reports available