Company information
General information about THANH HÙNG
Registered name
Founding date
- Jun 11, 2009
- 0006571700
Legal type
- Limited liability company with one member
- Active
Head office address
- Số 107 khu Bình Kiều 2, Phường Đông Hải 2, Quận Hải An, Hải Phòng, Vietnam
User contributed information
Information about provided by the Companies House users
- Update
- Update
- Update
WhatsApp number
- Update
- Update
Company Events
Events about THANH HÙNG
Jun 30, 2020
Amendment announcement
Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise
Sep 18, 2015
Amendment announcement
Announcement on changes in business particular of enterprise
Sep 17, 2015
Seal announcement
Seal announcement
Company Activities
Registered business lines of THANH HÙNG
- Wholesale of other machinery and equipment n.e.c
- Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c
- Other retail sale of new goods in specialized stores
- Retail sale of books, newspapers, journal and stationary in specialized stores
- Wholesale of agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies
- Manufacture of wooden containers
- Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboard
- Printing
- Service activities related to printing
- Manufacture of plastics products
- Machining; treatment and coating of metals
- Wholesale of textiles, clothing, footwear
- Wholesale of other household products
- Freight transport by road
- Other transportation support activities
- Restaurants and mobile food service activities
- Irregular event catering activities such as wedding, workshops...
- Other food serving activities
- Beverage serving activities
- Advertising
- Travel agency activities
- Tour operator activities
- Other business suport service activities n.e.c
Thank you for the information we will review and publish it soon.