Company information
General information about XUẤT NHẬP KHẨU GTECH VIỆT NAM
Registered name
Founding date
- Aug 02, 2017
- 0016249602
Legal type
- Limited liability company with one member
- Terminated
Head office address
- Số nhà 42 ngách 18 ngõ 91 phố Ngô Thì Sỹ, tổ dân phố Độc Lập, Phường Vạn Phúc, Quận Hà Đông, Hà Nội, Vietnam
User contributed information
Information about provided by the Companies House users
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WhatsApp number
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Company Activities
Registered business lines of XUẤT NHẬP KHẨU GTECH VIỆT NAM
- Manufacture of other transport equipment n.e.c
- Repair of fabricated metal products
- Repair of machinery
- Repair of electronic and optical equipment
- Repair of electrical equipment
- Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehicles
- Repair of other equipment
- Installation of industrial machinery and equipment
- Manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriages
- Electrical installation activities
- Plumbing, heating and air-conditioning system installation activities
- Wholesale of motor vehicles
- Retail sale of car (under 12 seats)
- Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
- Sale of motor vehicle part and accessories
- Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles
- Sale of motorcycle parts and accessories
- Manufacture of cutlery, hand tools and general hardware
- Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c
- Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines
- Manufacture of fluid power equipment
- Manufacture of other pumps, compressors, taps and valves
- Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements
- Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment
- Manufacture of office machinery and equipment except computers and peripheral equipment
- Manufacture of power-driven hand tolls
- Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery
- Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery
- Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction
- Manufacture of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing
- Manufacture of machinery for textile, apparel and leather production
- Manufacture of structural metal products
- Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal
- Manufacture of steam generators, except central heating hot water boilers
- Machining; treatment and coating of metals
- Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery
- Manufacture of motorcycles
- Wholesale of computer, computer peripheral equipment and software
- Wholesale of electronic and telecommunications equipment and supplies
- Wholesale of agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies
- Wholesale of other machinery and equipment n.e.c
- Other business suport service activities n.e.c
- Pre-primary education
- Primary education
- Lower secondary and upper secondary education
- Vocational education
- Sport and entertainment activities
- Art, cultural education
- Educational support services
- Market research and public opinion polling
- Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c
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